Table of
From the Editor
& Passions!
Media: I said thats!?!
Chat about Breeding: Gait
Inuit Dogs
on the Web
Notebook: Getting Personal
Howls: Big Dogs are Here to Stay
IMHO: On Being Doggie
Editor's/Publisher's Statement
Editor: Sue Hamilton
Webmaster: Mark Hamilton
The Fan Hitch Website
and Publications of the Inuit Sled
Dog– the quarterly Journal (retired in 2018)
and PostScript – are
dedicated to the aboriginal landrace
traditional Inuit Sled Dog as well as related
Inuit culture and traditions.
PostScript is
published intermittently as material
becomes available. Online access is free at:
PostScript welcomes your
letters, stories, comments and The editorial
staff reserves the right to edit submissions
used for publication.
Contents of The Fan
Hitch Website and its
publications are
protected by international copyright laws. No
photo, drawing or text may be reproduced in
any form without written consent. Webmasters
please note: written consent is necessary
before linking this site to yours! Please
forward requests to Sue Hamilton, 55 Town Line
Rd., Harwinton, Connecticut 06791, USA
From the Editor...
"Be careful what you wish for, you might get it" is an old
saying that still holds true in many ways. What I wish all
of you, smooth ice and narrow leads, as you have read at the
end of these editorials, is something I would want for
myself, too. Right now, at this very moment in fact, that is
EXACTLY what I have! This most evil of the past three
winters has been characterized by generally unseasonably
warm weather or meager snowfalls of no more than 4 inches at
a time immediately followed by sleet, freezing rain, pouring
rain then below freezing temperatures resulting in, yep, you
guessed it, smooth ice. Not fit for man nor beast, we and
the dogs spend countless days slipping and skidding around
the back yard and kennels on surfaces not conducive to play
or exercise. Similar conditions exist 3 hours to our north,
rendering as unfeasible the notion of driving in that
direction for the day to do some dog sledding. So far this
has been a very unproductive and dissatisfying winter.
My "leads" have been rather narrow as well, in this case
meaning as I sit here trying to assemble the next issue of
the Fan Hitch,
there is precious little material other than what Mark and
I, along with the Montcomboux's and our good friend Janice
Dougherty have generated. The response to the creation of
the Inuit Sled Dog International has been overwhelmingly
favorable and enthusiastic. Clearly it has been demonstrated
that a need for such a network exists and it is appreciated.
But the ISDI is sort of like public broadcasting. It is
something you can get for free (or for a very modest amount
to cover the cost of printing and mailing the paper copy of
the Fan Hitch).
But as any public broadcasting pitchman will tell you, "if
you listen and/or watch, you should pay. After all, it IS
your station!" The ISDI has no dues and does not intend to
establish any. We run on donations and that doesn't mean
only money. It means donations of time and information. In
order for the ISDI to be a benefit to all who enjoy the web
site and the newsletter and, most important, to benefit the
breed we all love and admire, we need to have you share your
comments, stories, experiences, photographs.
So until next issue, wishing you, traveling on
all your journeys with a minimum of obstacles!