List of contributors to The Fan Hitch

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Index: Journal and PostScript
Articles by Subject



Cooking and Crafts


Fan Mail

F. I. D. O.


Health, Science and Ethology



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Janice Howls

Media Review


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Tip for the Trail

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Editor's/Publisher's Statement
Editor-in-Chief: Sue Hamilton
Webmaster: Mark Hamilton
The Fan Hitch, Journal of the Inuit Sled Dog, is published four times a year. It is available at no cost online at: https://thefanhitch.org.

The Fan Hitch
welcomes your letters, stories, comments and suggestions. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit submissions used for publication.

Contents of The Fan Hitch are protected by international copyright laws. No photo, drawing or text may be reproduced in any form without written consent. Webmasters please note: written consent is necessary before linking this site to yours! Please forward requests to Sue Hamilton, 55 Town Line Rd., Harwinton, Connecticut  06791, USA or mail@thefanhitch.org

This site is dedicated to the Inuit Dog as well as related Inuit culture and traditions. It is also home to The Fan Hitch, Journal of the Inuit Sled Dog.


V1, N2: IGE Finds Dog Sledge Route Impassable
V1, N2: Last Trip of the Century to the North Pole
V1, N4: The Bering Bridge Expedition – 10 Years Later

V2, N1: North Baffin Quest
V2, N1: Hudson’s Bay Adventure

V2, N2: Expedition News – The Thule 2000

V2, N3: Nunavut Quest 2000: More Than a Race

V2, N3: Nunavut Quest: the Pre-Race Drivers’ Meeting

V2, N3: Nunavut Quest 2000: On the Trail to Arctic Bay

V2, N3: Nunavut Quest: Race Results

V3, N1: Arctic Sojourn
V3, N2: Nunavut Quest 2001
V3, N2: Dog sledge Expedition Undertaken by and for Kids in Need
V3, N3: Lake Nipigon – Solo

V3, N3: The Inuit Dogs of Svalbard
V3, N3: The Longest Kids’ Sled Dog Expedition: Uummannaq – Thule
V3, N4: Nunavut Quest 2000 Diary
V3, N4: The Song of the Glacier

V3, N4: An Arctic "Fish Story"

V4, N1: Never Let Go!
V4, N1: High Arctic Mushing, Part I

V4, N2: The Story of Tatra

V4, N2: Katan of the Tinitegilaarg Settlement
V4, N2: Oregon Dune Musher’s Mail Run
V4, N2: High Arctic Mushing, Part II

V4, N3: A Day in the Woods: Meditations of a Recreational Musher
V4, N3: High Arctic Mushing, Part III

V4, N4: High Arctic Mushing, Part IV

V5, N1: Following in Nanuk's Tracks

V5, N1: Qitdlarssuaq Chronicles, Part 1
V5, N2: Qitdlarssuaq Chronicles, Part 2

V5, N3: Qitdlarssuaq Chronicles, Part 3
V5, N4: Qitdlarssuaq Chronicles, Part 4

V6, N2: Barry of the Midnight Sun 

V6, N3: How we met Tom 

V6, N3: Geronimo’s Travels 

V6, N4: My First Long Tour with Inuit Greenland Dogs

V8, N2: Road Food Inuit Dog Style 

V8, N4: A Nunavik Adventure

V9, N1: The Great Arctic Hunter Game

V10, N3: Out on the Ice: Three days with Inuit Sled Dogs in North Greenland

V10, N3: Two friends, Fourteen Dogs…One Quest!
V10, N3: Nunavut Quest’s 10th Anniversary Run
V10, N4: Ladies’ Ellesmere Vacation

V11, N2: Remembering a Stunning Achievement

V12, N4: The Gaze of Animal Life: Memories from the British Trans-Arctic Expedition, 1968-69

V14, N1: Caught by the Conditions
V14, N2: Misadventure and Redemption on the Otryt Trail
V14, N2:  A Boys’ Trip on Dovrefjell   
V14, N4: Akunnirmiut Nunavut Quest

V15, N1: Akunnirmiut Nunavut Quest, Part 2

V15, N2: A Different Type of Sledding

V16, N4: Ptarmigan Hunting with Greenland Dogs

V17, N2: Retracing Twenty-Five Year-Old Foot and Paw Steps

V17, N3: Pangaggujjniq Nunavut Quest 2015
V17, N4: Searching for Shelters of Stone

V18, N1: Living and Dying with Black Bears/How My Inuit Dogs Saved My Life

PostScript #5 Langsomt på Svalbard (Slowly on Svalbard)

PostScript #6 Langsomt på Svalbard (Slowly on Svalbard) Deferred for One Year

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V1, N2: The Hole in the Fence
V1, N3: Getting Personal
V1, N4: Watching TV

V2, N1: Tiri’s Magic Carpet
V2, N3: Social Order
V2, N4: Silent and Induced Heat

V3, N3: The Genes Don't Lie
V3, N4: Stereotypes of Inuit Dog Behavior: Where do we start, and where can we go?

V4, N1: When a Fight Isn't a Fight
V4, N1: Do Dogs Have Emotions?
V4, N3: Qiniliq Learns His Place

V5, N2: Raising Raven
V5, N3: Bishop and Tunaq

V5, N3: On Managing ISD Aggression
V5, N4: Death and Transfiguration

V6, N2: Building a Team 

V6, N3: Qiniliq and Sunny

V7, N2: Playing Deputy 

V7, N3: Life in the Pack 

V7, N4: The Human Role

V8, N4: Displacement, Discipline, Diversion, Disarming

V10, N4: On Being a Social Facilitator

V11, N1: Transitions
V11, N2: Curious Naturalist
V11, N3: Comparative Behavior Studies in The Netherlands

V12, N1: Boss Dogs and Lead Dogs: Are They Born or Made?
V12, N2: Some Aspects of Dog Behavior
V12, N2: More on Boss Dogs

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Cooking and Crafts

V1, N3: Bannock Recipes
V2, N1: Impress Your Dog
V2, N3: Dog Cookies
V2, N3: Save that Hair!
V2, N4: Carnivore Brownies

V10, N4: Bannock Revisited
V10, N4: 
Making a Mitten Harness
V17, N2:  Bannock – On the Frozen Sea, in the Woods or at Home
V17, N3: Bannock – The Movie!

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V1, N1: Untitled
V1, N2: Networking
V1, N3: Untitled
V1, N4: Defining the Inuit Sled Dog

V2, N1: Looking to the Year 2000
V2, N2: The Bigger Picture
V2, N3: Untitled
V2, N4: A Tale of Two Cities

V3, N1: It Ain’t Over "Til Its Over"
V3, N2: The Russian Connection
V3, N3: A Wolf in Dog’s "Clothing"
V3, N4: Just Plain Happy

V4, N1: Does What We Do Matter Anyway?
V4, N2: Contrast and Compare
V4, N3: Untitled
V4, N4: Milestones or Mile Markers?

V5, N 1: Horses, not Zebras - Blue Eyes in Greenland Dogs

V5, N2:  The Blind Men and the Elephant
V5, N3:  Of Philosophy, Dogs and History

V5, N4:  Newton's Third Law (of Motion)

V6, N1: What's in a Name? 

V6, N2: Kudos and Cat Calls 

V6, N3: Who are you and what do you want? 

V6, N4: Looking for Inuit Dogs Past and Present

V7, N1: New Faces, Old Passions 

V7, N2: Sirius Patrol, Canadian Style 

V7, N3: Coming Together; ISDI Web Site Announcement; Correction 

V7, N4: Building Bridges

V8, N1: Firsts, F.I.D.O.s and Foremosts 

V8, N2: Tradition: Passing the Torch 

V8, N3: Diversity with a Common Interest 

V8, N4: The Northern Experience

V9, N1:  Looking Back, Looking Ahead
V9, N2:  Who Will Share Our Vision?
V9, N3:  Metaphorically Speaking
V9, N4:  Unfinished Business

V10, N1: Good Deeds, Great and Small
V10, N2: New Realities
V10, N3: The Fan Hitch…Enhanced
V10, N4: Untitled

V11, N1: Expeditons

V11, N2: Working Dogs – Reasoned Perception or Illogical Vision
V11, N3: A Virtual Fan Hitch
V11, N4: Editorial

V12, N1: Editoral
V12, N2: Editoral
V12, N3: Romancing the Bone: Unreasonable notions and unrealistic expectations

V12, N4: An Outsider's Preceptions

V13, N1:  Living in the Moment
V13, N2:  No title
V12, N3:  Know the Dog, the Land and the People
V13, N4:  We’ve Moved!

V14, N1 A Stretch of Smooth Ice
V14, N2: Old Tools – New Tools
V14, N3: A Dog for All Seasons
V14, N4: No title

V15, N1: Heeeere we go again…
V15, N2: Turning Dreams into Reality
V15, N3: Words Worth Repeating
V15, N4: A Great Man Has Passed

V16, N1: The Season for Sharing and Giving
V16, N2: Taxonomy
V16, N3: On the Radar
V16, N4: Chronology

V17, N1: Heading Out and Coming Home
V17, N2: Fed Up!
V17, N3: The Next Hill...
V17, N4: The Statistics of Sharing

V18, N1: Welcome to my world
V18, N2: A Kaleidoscope of Activity!
V18, N3: “Do you know the desire to see new lands? Do you know the desire to see new people?
V18, N4: Untitled

V19, N1: Of Sledge Dogs and Bull Dogs
V19, N3: Hammering Home the Point
V19, N4: Untitled

V20, N2: Nakurmiik

PostScript #1: Untitled

PostScript #2:  “Often Imitated, never Duplicated”

PostScript #3: A Cautionary Tale

PostScript #4: Untitled

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Fan Mail

V1, N2: Readers Write In
V2, N3: A short discussion on feeding the ISD

V4, N4: A reader asks, "Who is an ISDI "Member"?"

V5, N4: Letter from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami; Letter from the Editor of Stock Dog Magazine

V6, N1: Letters  from AMCA Editor; "J.F." on rescuing a CED 

V6, N3: Southern California reader wants an ISD

V7, N2: Comments on Pregnancy, Whelping and Pup Development; Greetings from Poland 

V7, N3: Comments on Fan Hitch article and ISDI's mission; more on ISDI's mission 

V7, N4: Comments from a former Nunavik resident

V8, N2:  Military dog whips; Reader comments from the Czech Republic, Alaska, New York and a WWII veteran who drove dogs in Greenland 

V8, N3: Request for DNA info; request for  help with documentary; request for opinion on wolf-dogs 

V8, N4: Looking for Inuit Dog thesis; greetings from Poland; Considering getting an Inuit Dog; Fan Hitch article fills in family history

V9, N1:  Reader comments from London, England and Igluliq, Nunavut
V9, N2:  Two strangers in the same country get connected; Gimli, MB reader seeks information
V9, N3:  Readers across the U.S. write in
V9, N4:  Mushers inspired by articles; a scientist writes; National Geographic wants help

V10, N1: Editor of Overland Journal seeks help; Iqaluit residents enjoy The Fan Hitch and the   ISDI's mission; a freelance photojournalist seeks advice about the Inuit Dogs of Greenland
V10, N3: Looking for a translator; seeking  permission to reprint an article

V11, N2: Three writers share their thoughts on The Fan Hitch, a different writer seeks permission to reproduce D. Kato's article on Dog Yard Noise

V11, N4: Writer inquires as to coat coloration patterns

V12, N1: A BAS veteran reminisces

N3:  Looking for northern museum pieces; metabolic water

V14, N3: Dog whip questions; kudos/ordering MacRury’s thesis

V15, N1: A writer goes through her deceased aunt’s photo album and find a photo of Florence Clark;
A Kuujjuaq dog man enjoys The Fan Hitch and wants to have a team of traditional ISDs.

V15, N4: A Nunavik rookie musher wants to keep traditional Inuit Dogs; INUK co-writer/producer comments on the movie’s review in The Fan Hitch as the film debuts in the US.

V16, N1: Kenn Harper offers a clarification

V17, N3:  A former musher now aboriginal dog owner writes

V17, N4: A Norwegian GISD owner adds an “historical P.S.” to June’s “Making of The Savage Innocents”
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F. I. D. O.

V1, N3: Francois Beiger
V1, N4: Sylvia Feder

V2, N1: Jim Ryder
V2, N2: Paul Landry
V2, N3: Niels Pedersen

V3, N1: Scott and Terry Miller
V3, N2: Tim Socha
V3, N3: Brian and Linda Fredericksen
V3, N4: Dr. Lucien Ockovsky

V4, N1: Jill and Daniel Pinkwater
V4, N2: Ove Nygaard
V4, N3: Chuck Weiss

V5, N1: Merv Ehrich
V5, N3: Ken MacRury Part 1
V5, N4: Ken MacRury Part 2

V6, N2: Barry Salovaara and Tina Portman 

V6, N3: Ludovic Pirani
N4: Jan Erik and Barbro Engebretsen

V7, N1: Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen 

V7, N2: Allen Gordon 

V7, N3: Ken Beattie 

V7, N4: Marit Holm

V8, N1: Daniel Annanack 
V8, N1: Mark Brazeau and Qimmiit Utirtut 

V8, N2: Kevin Slater 

V8, N3: John Senter

V9, N1:  Sandy Hagan
V9, N4:  Leevan Etok

V10, N3: Andrew Maher and Julia Landry

V12, N1: Igor Dragoslavic

PostScript #6  David Pacheco Filip: From the Other Side of the World to Qimmiq Territory

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V1, N1: Why We Got Into Inuit Dogs
V1, N1: Know the Dog, the Land and Its People 
V1, N1: Confessions of a Malamute Breeder
V1, N4: All the Wrong Reasons
V1, N4: Ways of the North

V2, N1: ISD News From Norway
V2, N3: Acknowledgement
V2, N4: The Good, the Bad and the "Eskimo" Dog Stamp
V2, N4: The Russian Connection, Part I
V2, N4: The Homecoming, Part I
V2, N4: ISDI Summit Postponed for This Year
V2, N4: Memorable Inuit Dog Encounters

V3, N1: Nunavut Dogsledding Association

V3, N1: Season’s Greetings from the Toadhall Inuit Sled Dog Interpretive Centre
V3, N1: The Homecoming, Part II
V3, N1: The Russian Connection, Part II
V3, N1: Meeting with Kevin Walton and Ken Pawson
V3, N1: Ted Fox Inuit Sled Dog Fund
V3, N2: ISDI Thanks Sponsors
V3, N2: The Homecoming, Part III
V3, N3: The Homecoming: Epilog
V3, N4: Inuit Sled Dog International Holds First Official Conference

V3, N4: Phenotype and the Importance of Purity in the ISD

V4, N1: Points of View

V4, N2: A Mystic Reunion
V4, N3: Future or Death
V4, N3: Replica or the Real Deal
V4, N4: We are Not Alone
V4, N4: I Guess They Just Don’t "Get" It, Do They?

V5, N1: ISDI Co-founder wins Jubilee Medal Award
V5, N1: Blue Eyes in Norway's Greenland Dogs

V5, N1: Enthusiasts Speak Out

V5, N1: Official ISDI Stand on Blue Eyes

V5, N2: Dogs in Greenland

V5, N3: Remembering Niya

V6, N1: How I Came to  be Liberated from Traditional Dog Club Organizations 

V6, N1: What is the ISDI and the ISD?
N1: A Holiday Miracle 

V6, N1: Of Sheep and Sled Dogs 

V6, N1: Qamutiit and How They're Loaded 

V6, N2: The Fan Hitch Contributor Wins Maxwell Award 

V6, N2: Coppinger Comments  Prompts ISDI Rebuttal 

V6, N2: Save the Sled Dog or Save the Show Dog 

V6, N2: Ivakkak: Encouraging Purity in Nunavik's ISDs 

V6, N3: Setting a New Standard 

V6, N4: A Cut Above the Rest

V7, N1: A Conversation with Palle Norit (Sirius Patrol) 

V7, N4: Difference Between Mushing in Greenland and Canada, Part 1

V8, N1: Wolf Problems in Kuujjuaq
V8, N1: Difference Between Mushing in Greenland and Canada, Part 2
V8, N1: Inuit Produced Information Resources 

V8, N2: Dog Yard Noise 
V8, N2: Difference Between Mushing in Greenland and Canada, Part 3 
V8, N2: How Much is that Doggie in the Window 

V8, N3: Developing a Culture of Mushers 
V8, N3: The Inuit Sled Dog Registry 
V8, N3: Arctic Inuit Sled Dogs - A Life in Retirement

V9, N1: Defining the Inuit Dog
V9, N1: Antarctic Sledge Dog Memorial Fund (middle of page)
V9, N2: ISDI Launches New Partnership in Nunavik   
V9, N2: Qimmiit Utirtut’s First Litter!
V9, N2: Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update
V9, N3: That Was Then, This is Now
V9, N3: Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update   
V9, N3: ISDI Publications News
V9, N4: Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update
V9, N4: ISDI’s Tenth Anniversary

V10, N1: British Antarctic Sledge Dog Memorial Fund December 2007 Update
V10, N2: British Antarctic Sledge Dog Memorial Fund March 2008 Update
V10, N2: Lost and Found: Recovering Dogs Gone Astray
V10, N3: British Antarctic Sledge Dog Monument Fund – June 2008 Update
V10, N4: British Antarctic Sledge Dog Monument Fund – September 2008 Update

V11, N1: The British Antarctic Survey Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update
V11, N2: The British Antarctic Survey Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update
V11, N2: Qimmiit Utirtut is Four Years-Old!
V11, N3: Remembering Kevin Walton
V11, N3 The British Antarctic Survey Sledge Dog Memorial Fund Update

V11, N4: Tusaalanga!
V11, N4: British Antarctic Survey Sledge Dog Monument Final Report
V12, N2: Sled Dogs of Russia

V12, N2: For the Love of a Retired Sled Dog
V12, N2: About Previous Issues of The Fan Hitch
V12, N3: The Kevin Walton Memorial Lecture
V12, N3: OP Nunalivut 10
V12, N3: New to the Crew
V12, N3: Qikiqtani Truth Commission Community Consultation Tour
V12, N3: ‘The Hunt’ by Hannah Haworth

V13, N1:  Piksuk Media Projects
V13, N1:  QTC Update: final report
V13, N2:  British Antarctic Survey Monument Trust
V13, N2:  Mistaken Identities
V13, N2:  Piksuk Media’s Nunavut Quest Website
V13, N3:  Ghosts and Memories of Dogs Past
V13, N3:  A conversation with Charlotte DeWolff of Piksuk Media and Jake Gearheard of the Ilisaqsivik Society
V13, N3:  Qimmivut - Our Dogs: The Dog Team Workshop of the Ilisaqsivik Society of Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada
V13, N4:  Historic Ceremony in Kangiqsuaujjuaq
V13, N4:  Passages: Heiko Wittenborn
V13, N4:  Unikkausivut: Sharing Our Stories

V14, N1: Piksuk Media’s Nunavut Quest Project Update
V14, N1: Unikkausivut: Sharing Our Stories
V14, N2: Meeqi’s Gift   
V14, N2: New Site/Old Site
V14, N2: Piksuk Media’s Nunavut Quest Project Update
V14, N3: The Fan Hitch Web and Journal Updates
V14, N3: The Doggy Men Goes Digital
V14, N3: Qimmivut (Our Dogs)
V14, N3: Piksuk’s nunavutquest.com Update
V14, N4: More Good Reads
V14, N4: Nunavut Quest: Race Across Baffin DVD now on sale!

V15, N2: Another Inuktitut Word for Snow
V15, N3: Inuit Tradition in 75 Tons of Sand!
V15, N4: Passage: John Michael “Umelik” McGrath
V15, N4: Baker Lake’s MLA Speaks Out in Support of Nunavut’s Inuit Dogs
V15, N4: Proposed New Dog By-law, a Threat to Iqaluit Dog Team Owners?
V15, N4: NFB Increases Internet Accessibility to its Film Library
V15, N4: Accessing/Viewing Pages

V16, N2: Far Fur Country Progress Report
V16, N2: Digital Indigenous Democracy Comes to the Canadian North
V16, N2: New Printing of Inuit Dog Thesis
V16, N3: Dealing with a Runaway or Breakaway Team of Inuit Dogs
V16, N3:Update: On the Trail of the Far Fur Country
V16, N3: Website Explores Indigenous People of the Russian Arctic
V16, N4: Documentary on the Sirius Patrol
V16, N4: Okpik’s Dream Project

V17, N1: Far Fur Country Documentary Projects Come to Fruition!
V17, N1: Okpik’s Dream en Route to Completion
V17, N1: Puvirnituq Snow Festival
V17, N2: IsumaTV’s First Annual OnlineFilm Festival
V17, N2 Paving Over Cultural Identity
V17, N2 Okpik’s Dream Update
V17, N3:  In Memory of Lyudmilla Bogoslovskaya
V17, N3 Paving over cultural identity: Update
V17, N4: The Sledge Patrol documentary update
V17, N4: A new Home for the BAS Husky Memorial Bronze Statue
V17, N4: Inuk’s Release in North America

V18, N1: Iqaluit Asphalt Plant Update
V18, N1: NFB film transfers at 2K and 4K resolution   
V18, N1: Special screening of Inuk in Vermont; new general release date given   
V18, N2: The Sledge Patrol Update
V18, N2: In Search of John Flick
V18, N2: Inuk VOD Release
V18, N3: Interview with Stephen Bown, author of White Eskimo
V18, N3: The Thule Atlas Project
V18, N3: Okpik’s Dream/Harry Okpik Still Going Strong
V18, N4: Passage – The Man Who Knew Canids
V18, N4: Passage – For Those Who Would Show Kindness
V18, N4: Maliglutit – New Kunuk Film
V18, N4: The Arctic Nomads Project

V19, N3: A Qimuksiqti and Her Dogs: Remembering Siu-Ling Han

V20, N2: Arctic Nomads Workshop Booklet

PostScript #3: Qimuksiq Network: Balancing Illness and Wellness at the Human-Dog Interface in Northern Canada
PostScript #3: Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum: Dogs at Work in  the North

PostScript #4: William John ‘Qimmiliriji’ Carpenter
PostScript #4: The Canadian government apologizes, agrees on settlement with Qikiqtani Inuit over forced relocations and sled dog killings

PostScript #6 Oh, those dog commands!

PostScript #6 Nansen Sledge Production
PostScript #6 Siu-Ling Han Memorial Scholarship

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Health, Science and Ethology

V1, N2: A Chat About Breeding
V1, N3: A Chat About Breeding - Gait
V1, N4: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Study

V2, N1: Feeding Tips
V2, N4: Veterinary Service in Greenland: Challenging Folk Remedies

V3, N4: Distemper Outbreak in Nunavut
V3, N4: Brucellosis in Arctic Marine Mammals: A threat to team dogs?

V4, N1: More on Arctic Brucellosis
V4, N2: A Sled Dog Bibliography
V4, N3: Veterinary Studies of the British Antarctic Survey’s Sledge Dogs: I. Survey of Diseases and Accidents
V4, N3: When to Start Working Inuit Sled Dogs
V4, N4: Veterinary Studies of the British Antarctic Survey’s Sledge Dogs: Occupational Osteoarthritis

V5, N2: Physiology of Sledge Dogs

V6, N3: Breeding and Maintenance of Sledge Dogs: Part I

V6, N4: Breeding and Maintenance of Sledge Dogs: Part II

V7, N1: DNA Analysis of the Greenland Dog and the Canadian Inuit Dog
V7, N1: Pregnancy, Whelping and Pup Development in the ISD, Part 1 

V7, N2: Pregnancy, Whelping and Pup Development in the ISD, Part 2 

V7, N4: Greenland Dog / Inuit Dog…it makes no difference

V9, N2: The Chinook Project; Dog Deaths in Ulukhoktok
V9, N4: Living at the extremes – physiological adaptations of Inuit sled dogs in Greenland
V9, N4: The Chinook Project in Cambridge Bay
V9, N4: The Canadian Animal Assistance Team

V10, N1: Canadian Animal Assistance Team's Northern Project
V10, N3: Canadian Animal Assistance Team’s 2008 Northern Wellness Clinics
V10, N3: The Chinook Project Returns to Kimmirut
V10, N4: Report: The Chinook Project in Kimmirut
V10, N4: Sled Dog Physiology: Non-invasive Techniques  

V11, N1: The Canadian Animal Assistance Team in Pond Inlet
V11, N2: The Gentrification of Working Breeds
V11, N2: Evolutionary Changes in Domesticated Dogs: the Broken Covenant of the Wild, Part I
V11, N3: The Chinook Project's Early Start on Veterinary Clinics
V11, N3: Canadian Animal Assistance Team's 2009 Northern Clinics
V11, N3: Evolutionary Changes in Domesticated Dogs: the Broken Covenant of the Wild, Part 2
V11, N3: Inuit Sled Dogs Achieve Distinguished Visibility
V11, N4: Evolutionary Changes in Domesticated Dogs: The Broken Covenant of the Wild, Part 3
V12, N1: Evolutionary Changes in Domesticated Dogs: The Broken Covenant Of The Wild, Part 4
V12, N1: An Examination of Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Inuit Sled Dog, Part 1

V12, N2: An Examination of Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Inuit Sled Dog, Part 2
V12, N2: The Chinook Project Travels to Northern Labrador!
V12, N3: An Examination of Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Inuit Sled Dog, Part 3
V12, N3: Canadian Animal Assistance Team Revisits Baker Lake
V12, N4: Further Experiments on the nutrition of sledge dogs
V12, N4: An Examination of Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Inuit Sled Dog, Part 4
V12, N4: Chinook Project visits Northern Labrador

V13, N1:  Breed, Landrace and Purity: what do they all mean?
V13, N1:  Veterinary Plans for the Eastern Canadian Arctic
V13, N1:  The Canadian Animal Assistance Team is Back to Baker Lake, Nunavut
V13, N1:  Join the Primitive and Aboriginal Dog Society International
V13, N3:  Chinook Project Report: 2011 Wellness Clinics
V13, N3:  Canadian Animal Assistance Team: Maintaining a Presence in Nunavut!
V13, N4:  Point of View: Veterinary Service in Nunavik
V13, N4:  Chinook Project 2011: Return to Northern Labrador

V14, N1: Canadian Animal Assistance Team’s 2011 Northern Clinic
V14, N3: The Chinook Project Returns to Labrador
V14, N4: The Chinook Project Reports on Its Labrador Clinics

V15, N1: Veterinary Care Served Northern Style at the 2012 Baker Lake Animal Wellness Clinic

V15, N2: Antiquity of the Inuit Sled Dog Supported by Recent DNA Studies
V15, N3: The Concept of an Aboriginal Breed
V15, N3: The Canadian Animal Assistance Team’s 2013 Northern Canada Animal Health Care Project
V15, N4: Chinook Project’s 2013 Visit to Northern Labrador, Canada
V15, N4: Published Research Has Implications for the Aboriginal Inuit Sled Dog!

V16, N1: Investigation of the Pre-Columbian Ancestry of Today’s Dogs of the Americas
V16, N1: Baker Lake, Nunavut and the Canadian Animal Assistance Team (CAAT)
V16, N1: The End of the Beginning: The First Five Years of Veterinary Services in Baker Lake, Nunavut
V16, N2: The Subject of Taxonomy in Relation to the Inuit Dog and Major Historical References to the Breed
V16, N3: Citizen Scientist Participation Requested for the Canid Howl Coder Project
V16, N3: The Chinook Project Returns to Labrador
V16, N4: Thinking about the Canadian/Greenland Inuit dogs, in relationship to the domestication of animals and the “domestication syndrome”
V16, N4: The Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Loving Kindness in Labrador
V16, N4: Arctic Domus Project

V17, N1: The Epidemiology of Rabies in the Canadian North
V17, N3: Inuit Dogs’ Indigenous Heritage Confirmed!
V17, N4: Contaminated Water! Yet Another Long Standing Debacle in Iqaluit
V17, N4 A Decade of Service: The Chinook Project’s 2015 Labrador Animal Wellness Clinic
V17, N4 Historical and Climatic Prerequisites of the Appearance of the Population of Sled Dogs of the Shoreline of the Chukotka Peninsula
V17, N4 Major Virus Issues in Canada’s North and Canine Parvovirus Infects Inuit Dogs in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, 1978

V18, N2: Is there a Vet in the House?

V18, N3: March Distemper outbreak in Ilulissat
V18, N4: The Chinook Project's 2016 Wellness Clinics in Canada's North

V19, N1: The Qimuksiq Network: Exploring Human-dog Relationships in the Canadian North
V19, N1: A Hunt for the Greenlandic Dog’s Soul
V19, N1: The Arctic Nomads Post-Symposium Report
V19, N1: Bulldog with a Short Snout
V19, N3: Gone Without a Trace? Searching for the Origins of Dog Transport in the Archaeological Record
V19, N3: The Psychology of Aboriginality
V19, N3: Rabies in Igluliq

V20, N2: National Registry Established to Vaccinate Greenland Dogs

PostScript #1: The Evolutionary History of Dogs in the Americas

PostScript #5  The Aboriginal Dog as a Domesticate: Its Biobehavioral Position between Wild Canids and Cultured Breeds
PostScript #5  Significant Neuroanatomical Variation among Domestic Dog Breeds
Review of a behavioral/cognitive research paper
PostScript #5 “Specialized sledge dogs accompanied Inuit dispersal  across the North American Arctic”
PostScript #5 Cold Case Reopened: Finding Clues to Recurrent Mass Mortalities in Greenland Sled Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris borealis) and other QIMMEQ news

Back to top

V1, N1: Giving Credit Where It is Due

V2, N3: Memories
V2, N4: Raising Sled Dogs
V2, N4: The Exploration of Antarctica

V3, N2: Inuit Dogs in New Hampshire, Part I
V3, N2: Remembrances of a Spent Life…"Chimo"
V3, N3: Inuit Dogs in New Hampshire, Part II

V5, N1: Mountie, Alouette and Moose
V5, N2: Contributions of Dogs to Exploration in Antarctica

V5, N2: Antarctic Sketches

V5, N2: The Return

V5, N3: Antarctic Vignettes
N4: Antarctic Vignettes

V5, N4: Lost Heritage

V6, N1: The Truth Behind the Madrid Protocol

V7, N2: Nunavik Dog Slaughters Part 1 

V7, N3: Nunavik Dog Slaughters Part 2 

V7, N4: Nunavik Dog Slaughters Part 3

V8, N1: Inuit Dogs of Mawson Station

V9, N1: A Time to Remember the Dogs
V9, N2: Recollections of the Doggy Man
V9, N2: Sledge Dogs of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Service
V9, N4: Remembering Changi

V10, N1: BAS Vignette: Sledding with Dogs
V10, N2: BAS Vignette: Memories of a Non-Doggy Man
V10, N3: BAS Vignette: Lampwick Harnesses
V10, N4: BAS Vignette: How Do You Say Good-bye?

V11, N1: My First Winter Trip in Antarctica
V11, N3: New Resource for Polar Exploration Images
V11, N4: Sled Dogs in His Majesty's Service: Clark's Eskimo Dogs in World War II

V12, N1: Greenland Dogs of the Eiger Glacier
V12, N2: Recollections: Life on the Land
V12, N4: Conducting Dog Feeding Experiments on the Antarctic Huskies:a behind the scenes look at how it got done!
V12, N4: How the use of the name 'Inuit' became official

V14, N1: Tumivut: Hunting with Dogs   
V14, N2: Stroma and Skye: My reflections and recollections
V14, N2: Tumivut: Dog Sledding   
V24, N3: Tumivut: Healthy Diet for Dogs
V14, N4: Tumivut: The Day the Dogs Ran Off; A Difficult Dog Trip; One Smart Dog

V15, N1: Astrup’s Harness: A personal voyage to understand an old sealskin sled dog harness, Part 1

V15, N1: Sleds, Dogs and Nitrate Film (Return of the Fan Fur Country)
V15, N2: Astrup’s Harness: A personal voyage to understand an old sealskin sled dog harness, Part 2
V15, N2: Return of the Far Fur Country Project
V15, N3: Qillarsuaq
V15, N3: The Endurance Dogs
V15, N3: Far Fur Country Project Update

V16, N1: Raising Eskimo Dog Puppies for Use in a Fan Hitch
V16, N1: Stareek and Tsigane
V16, N2: Steve’s Solo Journey

V17, N3: British Explorers Dogged By Myths

V17, N3: Making of The Savage Innocents
V17, N4: How to Lose a Husky Team
V17, N4: Historical and Climatic Prerequisites of the Appearance of the Population of Sled Dogs of the Shoreline of the Chukotka Peninsula

V18, N1: BAS Doggy Man, Chris Edwards Houndsounds Interview

V18, N1: Canadian Inuit Dogs I have owned, raised and trained: A photo essay; Part 1
V18, N2: Chris Edwards: My Life with Dogs
V18, N2: Canadian Inuit Dogs I have owned, raised and trained: A photo essay; Part 2
V18, N3: Canadian Inuit Dogs I have owned, raised and trained: A photo essay; Part 3

PostScript #5 The Restoration of a Historic Nansen Sledge

PostScript #6 Dogs – One of the many reason I loved them

Back to top

V1, N1: El Nino, et al.
V1, N2: Pets, et al.
V1, N3: On Being Doggie
V1, N4: Work, et al.

V2, N1: Cause & Effect
V2, N2: Traditional Advice
V2, N3: Sharing the Trail
V2, N4: Dog Ownership in a Modern Society

V3, N1: All Breed Kennel Club Registry
V3, N2: Looking Forward
V3, N4: Frankly Speaking: Zombies

V4, N1: Dog Sled Racing vs. Sled Dog Racing
V4, N2: Visibility
V4, N3: Friends and Allies
V4, N4: Little Minds, Little Worlds

V5, N1: Seeking to Answer to the Wrong Question

V5, N2: Preservation vs. Saving

V5, N3: The Slippery Slope
V5, N4:  Means, Motive and Opportunity

V6, N1: Super Cars and Inuit Dogs 

V6, N2: The Sernix, A Fable 

V6, N3: Unnecessary Roughness 

V6, N4: Waiting for Godot?

V7, N1: Training or Interference 

V7, N2: Change 

V7, N3: Tough Dogs, Tough Owners 

V7, N4: The System

V8, N1: A Time for Action 

V8, N2: People, People, People 

V8, N3: Filling the Wood Shed 

V8, N4: Transitions

V9, N1:  A Few Thoughts on the Final Report on the Dog Slaughters
V9, N2:  One Brick at a Time
V9, N3:  Friends
V9, N4:  Friends, Part 2

V10, N2: Self-actualization
V10, N3: On Feral Cats and Inuit Sled Dogs

V11, N1: The Next Great Thing
V11, N2: You, a Reader of The Fan Hitch
V11, N3: Why Inuit Dogs?
V11, N4: The Learning Curve

V12, N1: Two "New" Dogs
V12, N2: Timelessness
V12, N3: Some Things Never Change
V12, N4: In Transition

V13, N1:  Relationships and Inclusion
V13, N2:  Are We There Yet?
V13, N3:  Succession
V13, N4:  Historic Perspective or Hyprebole

V14, N1: Taking the Long View       
V14, N2: Let’s Talk   
V14, N3: Save the ____ (fill in the blank)
V14, N4: Last Call

V15, N1: Henson, Part 2 
V15, N2: Why Do We Do This?
V15, N3: Well, That’s The Way We Do It!
V15, N4: The Back-story of the Thank You DVD

V16, N1: Finding Purpose in Retirement
V16, N3: What’s Enough?
V16, N4: Reflections

V17, N1: The Best Laid Plans

V17, N2: Truth, History and Dogs
V17, N3: It Ain’t Easy
V17, N4: The Presumption of Good Faith

V18, N1: Where We Stand

V18, N2: What Do You See?
V18, N3: I’m “Neat” with Tarps

V19, N1: Staying the Path
V19, N3: This Changes Everything

PostScript #5 A View from Across the Divide
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In the News

V1, N2: ISDI Announcements
V1, N3: The Media: I Said That?!?

V2, N2: The Fan Hitch Contributor Wins Writing Competition; Upcoming Events

V2, N3: Nunavut and Nunavik Inuit Demand Inquiry into Dog Extermination
V2, N3: New Official Symbols of Nunavut Announced
V2, N3: Sled Dog Problems in Iqaluit
V2, N3: Meeting Update
V2, N4: Honored Symbol Under Fire
V2, N4: Dog Team Trouble in Iqaluit: A Team Owner's Perspective

V3, N1: Update: No Resolution in Iqaluit
V3, N2: Iqaluit Still Wrestling with the Issue of Dog Teams
V3, N2: The Fan Hitch/Contributor Receive Literary Recognition
V3, N3: Iqaluit Dog Team By-Law is Officially on the Books

V5, N1: New ISDI Scandinavia web site; Atanarjuat update; Dog teams in Iqaluit; Grammar lesson; ISDs in Museum Exhibit

V5, N2: Update on blue-eyed "Greenland Dogs"; progress report on Inuit Dog thesis; letter on Northern Inuits (sic)

V5, N3: Thesis update; Nunavut Quest 2003 report; article in Mushing Magazine; possible Smithsonian Magazine story

V5, N4: Letter to the Mushing Magazine Editor published; Inuit Dog Thesis International Sales; Dog exhibit's next venues

V6, N1: David Matthews receives DWAA 2003 writing nomination 

V6, N2: Iqaluit Dog By-Laws Update, Thesis Donation,  DNA Project 
N3: Dog Exhibit current location 

V6, N4: The Fan Hitch, Inuit Dog Book and donations head north; Greenland Dogs

V7, N1: Reason to follow the Iditarod; ISD DNA samples sought; Poor hunting in Qaanaaq; The Fan  Hitch story receives Dog Writers' nomination 

V7, N2: Dog slaughter inquiry; ISD owner "wins" the Iditarod; Inuit Dog thesis donation  

V7, N3: Dog slaughter inquiry update; Isuma Igloolik Production's  Journals of Knud Rasmussen

V8, N1: Dog Slaughter Update 

V8, N3: Blizzard: Race to the Pole; Documentary on the Origin and Evolution of the Dog; RCMP Report Update
V8, N4: Loosing traditional knowledge and skills; Veterinary school visits Kimmirut

V9, N1: Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report
V9, N2: The Chinook Project; Dog Deaths in Ulukhoktok; Qimmiit Utirtut  Hits Mainstream Press
V9, N4: New Hampshire law supports mushing; Aboriginal dog conference in Kazakhstan

V10, N1: Qikiqtani Truth Commission set to begin hearings
V10, N2:  Must Visit Websites
V10, N3: Qikiqtani Truth Commission update; Makivik launches "Dog Cull" Probe
V10, N4: Truth Commissions progress reports; story in UpHere Magazine

V11, N1: Makivik and the Qikiqtani Truth Commission updates on the dog slaughter investgation
V11, N2: Makivik update on dog slaugher interviews, Qikiqtani Truth Commission February report
V11, N3: Interim report to Makivik on allegations concerning the slaughter of sled dogs
V11, N4: Qikiqtani Truth Commission announces their website

V12, N1: The Qikiqtani Truth Commission Submits its First Background Report

V12, N2: Makivik final report on dog slaughter investigation; veterinary service for Nunavik; call for Inuit Dog recognition; world wide media attention for ISD; new theory on ancient migration; DNA analysis of ancient Inuk
V12, N4: Makivik releases its final report to The Fan Hitch for publication; Qikiqtani Truth Commission to present final report to Qikiqtani Inuit Association at their October Meeting

V13, N1:  Antarctic Sledge Dogs Recognized

V13, N4:  33,000 year-old dog skull found in Siberia; Quebec’s Proposed Anti-Tethering Law; Piksuk Media Update; Igloolik Isuma Productions Closes

V14, N1: Permanent veterinary service has come to the Canadian North!
V14, N3: Landmark Russian Fur Fox Research in Jeopardy?; Return of the Far Fur Country Project   
V14, N4: More Screenings of Return of the Far Fur Country Project

V15, N1: Inuit Dog owners in Iqaluit seek help form the town council to protect Nunavut’s heritage

V15, N2: Follow up to Iqaluit Inuit Dog Owners’ Request to the City Council

V16, N1: Baker Lake Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) does not run for re-election; Proposed Iqaluit by-law combining sled dogs and pet dogs
V16, N2: Nunavut Quest article; Parvovirus in Grise Fiord; Cat parasite in beluga whales; Sustainable Iqaluit Plan and dog by-law update; Historic video of hard working Inuit Dogs
V16, N4: An Inuk hunter on the importance of dog teams

V17, N3: Atanarjuat: Canada’s Best Film Ever!; Ancient Wolf Genome Pushes Back Dawn of the Dog; New Rabies in the North

PostScript #6 The Trip of a Lifetime

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Janice Howls

V1, N2: Point of View: Janice on Genetics and Behavior
V1, N3: Big Dogs are Here to Stay
V1, N4: Some Observations on Northern and Primitive Breeds

V2, N1: The Spitz Group
V2, N2: Hypothyroid Disease
V2, N4: The Inuit Sled Dog: Can It Hold On To Its Roots?

V3, N1: Click & Treat: Post Modernist Lunacy?
V3, N3: More Than Meets the Eye
V3, N4: Who Belongs to the ISDI?

V4, N3: All Along the Watchtower

V4, N4: Preserving Bear Dogs
V4, N4: Extinction

V5, N4: PETAphiles

V7, N1: At the Heart of Greatness
V7, N2: Transition to Primitive 

V7, N3: Preserving Nature's Standard

Back to top
Media Review

V1, N2: Glory & Honour (video)
V1, N3: Inuit Dogs on the Web
V1, N4: Dog of the Midnight Sun (video)

V2, N1: Running North,  a Yukon Adventure by Ann Maria Cook (book)
V2, N2: On Thin Ice: A Woman’s Journey to the North Pole by Matty McNair (book)
              Of Dogs and Men by Kevin Walton and Rick Atkinson (book)  
V2, N3: Polar Dream by Helen Thayer (book)
V2, N4: Portrait of Antarctica by Kevin Walton (book)

V3, N1: Two Years in The Antarctic by Kevin Walton (book)
V3, N2: The Last Husky (video)
V3, N4: Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior, and Evolution by Raymond and Lorna Coppinger (book)

V4, N1: Uncle Boris in the Yukon and Other Shaggy Dog Stories by Daniel Pinkwater (book)
V4, N2: Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner (video)
V4, N2: Antarctica…to a lonely land I know by Ken Pawson (book)
V4, N3: Igloo Dwellers Were My Church by John R. Sperry (book)
V4, N4: The Inuit Dog: Its Provenance, Environment and History by Ken MacRury (print)

V5, N1: first NATIONS…first DOGS by Bryan D. Cummins (book)

V5, N1: Signs of Winning by Scott Miller (book)

V5, N2: Carved from the Land by Lorraine E. Brandson (book)

V5, N3: The New Guide to Breeding Old Fashioned Working Dogs 
by Guy Gregory Ormiston (book)
V5, N3: Stonington Island, Antarctica 1957-1958 (video)

V6, N1: Globe Trekker - Iceland and Greenland (video) 

V6, N2:  Media Watch: Ice Dogs (video), Shelter Dog (video), Search for the First Dog (video),  The Wolf Within (video), Designer Dogs (video), Dogs and More Dogs (video), Top Dogs (print magazine)
V6, N4: Hunting Laika Breeds of Russia &Primitive Breeds - Perfect Dogs (two books)

V7, N3: Soldiers and Sled Dogs: A History of Military Mushing by Charles L. Dean (book)

N4: Frozen Horizons: The World’s Largest National Park by Ivars Silis (book)

V8, N1: 1000 Days with Sirius by Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen (book)

V8, N3: Update on: The Inuit Dog: Its Provenance Environment and History by Ken MacRury
V8, N3: The Lost Men: The Harrowing Story of Shackleton’s Ross Sea Party by Kelly Tyler-Lewis (book)

V9, N1: 15th Anniversary Edition of The Inuit Dog: Its Provenance, Environment and History
V9, N1: The Doggy Men by Hwfa Jones (book)
V9, N2: Secrets of Antarctica (video)
V9, N2: Wolf Dog (video)
V9, N2: Return of the Qimutsiit (video)
V9, N2: Dogs That Changed the World (video)
V9, N3: The Inuit Way produced by Pauktuutit Women of Canada  (book)
V9, N4: Across the Top of the World by Sir Wally Herbert (book)

V10, N2: Hunters of the Polar North by Sir Wally Herbert (book)
V10, N4: Land of the Long Day (book) by Doug Wilkinson

V11, N1: Dog Days on Ice: Antarctic Exploration in a Golden Era (book)
V11, N2: The Polar World: the Unique Vision of Sir Wally Herbert (book)
V11, N3: Huskies/My Friends, the Huskies (books)
V11, N4: The Inuit Thought of It (book)

V12, N4: Qimmit: A Clash of Two Truths

V13, N1:
People of the Seal: Part 2 (archival documentary video)
V13, N3:  Of Ice and Men by Sir Vivian Fuchs (book)
V13, N4:  Martha of the North (video)

V14, N1: How to Raise a Dog Team (book)
V14, N2: Nunavut Quest: Race Across Baffin, Parts 1,2 and 3 (documentary)
V14, N3: Nunavut Quest: Race Across Baffin, Parts4,5 and 6 (documentary)
V14, N4: Sirmilik (mini documentary)
V14, N4: Remembering the Years of My Life: Journeys of a Labrador Inuit Hunter  (book)
V14, N4: Labrador North (video)

V15, N1: Kamik, an Inuit Puppy Story (book)

V15, N1: Inuk (movie)
V15, N2: The Stories of Tuktu: Tuktu and His Eskimo dogs (historical film)
V15, N3: In Celebration of Nunavut: Life on the Land Vol. 5; Arctic Dog Team, Arctic Jungle, Arctic Hunter (historical films)
V15, N4: 
Vanishing Point (documentary movie)

V16, N1: The Meaning of Ice: People and sea ice in three Arctic communities
V16, N2: Nuliajuk: Mother of the Sea Beasts (film)
V16, N3: Harnessed to the Pole: Sledge Dogs in Service to American Explorers of the Arctic, 1853-1909 (Book)
V16, N4: A Trapper in North-East Greenland: Tales of a forgotten way of life (book)

V17, N1: How to Build an Iglu and a Qamutiik (book)
V17, N2: The Romance of the Far Fur Country (documentary)
V17, N2: On the Trail of the Far Fur Country (documentary)
V17, N3: Never Alone (computer game)
V17, N4: Games of Survival: Traditional Inuit Games for Elementary Students (book)

V18, N1: Okpik’s Dream (documentary film)
V18, N2: How to Build an Igloo (film)
V18, N2: People of a Feather (documentary film)
V18, N3: Across Arctic America (book)
V18, N3: White Eskimo (book)
V18, N4: Padlei Diary (book)

V19, N1: The World of Tivi Etok: The Life and Artof an Inuit Elder from Kangiqusalujjuaq  (book)
V19, N3: Dogs of Knud Rasmussen’s Second and Fifth Thule Expeditions  (film)
V19, N3: Aboriginal Life as Presented in Art Forms  (film and print)

V20, N2: Historic Polar Films at the Peary MacMillan Museum and Arctic Studies Center

PostScript #1: Angry Inuk  (film)
PostScript #1: Free Northern Periodicals Online (electronic print)

PostScript #2: Hunting with My Ancestors (film)

PostScript #2:
The Canadian Inuit Dog: Icon of Canada’s North (book)

PostScript #3: How to Tame a Fox: (and Build a Dog) Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution
PostScript #3: Qimmeerukkaluarpat: When the Dogs are Gone (documentary film)

Red Serge and Polar Bear Pants: The Biography of Harry Stallworthy, RCMP (book)
PostScript #4: One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk (film)
PostScript #4: A Book is Born

PostScript #5 Frossen frihet – håndbok i friluftsliv med polarhund (book)
PostScript #5 Kamik (documentary)

PostScript #6 QIMMEQ – The Greenland Sled Dog (book)

Back to top

V1, N1: Lost and Found by Janice Dougherty
V1, N4: Standing Invitation by Janice Dougherty

V2, N2: Brave Little Heart by Ken Pawson
V2, N3: Dogs of the Sledge Trail by Ken Pawson

V3, N3: Instinct by Janice Dougherty
V3, N4: But, I must be dreaming, that’s years ago… by Ken Pawson

V5, N1: Lost Travellers by Jim Exley

V9, N2: A Real Inuk (poem) by Eva Obed

Back to top
Product Review

V3, N2: Let There Be Light
V3, N3: Sock Sense

V5, N2: DirectStop® 

V5, N3: Dismutase

V5, N4: Original Zipper Rescue Kit®

V6, N1: Ryobi TrimmerPlus®

V7, N1: Herculiner® 

V7, N4: Howling Dog Wheel Dog Harness

V8, N1: 3M™ Precise Skin Stapler 

V8, N2: MAXI/GUARD® Zn7™

V9, N1: Delivering the Goods

V9, N2: Leather Mittens by Sterling Glove
V9, N3: Collasate™ and EMT™ Gel
V9, N3: Drag Mats and other "Drag-Ons"

V10, N1: Double Driver Dogsled
V10, N2: Northern Outfitters Mountain Pack Boots
V10, N3: MaineMade Double Driver Dogsled Update

V11, N1: The Tick Key

V14, N1: Black Diamond ‘Icon’ (headlamp)

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Tip for the Trail

V3, N2: A Do-It-Yourself Alcohol Burner
V3, N3: Wet Equals Cold

V5, N2: Re-lining water jug caps
N3: Battling the Bugs

V6, N1: Bitches in Season 

V6, N3: Dog Yard Tips

V7, N1: Anti-fatigue mats 

V7, N2: Building a Dog Ramp 

V7, N4: Pack a Pruning Saw

V8, N3: Taking the Heat Off 

V8, N4: Keep it Clean

V9, N1: Seeing and Not Hearing 
V9, N2: It's in the Bag – First Aid Kit
V9, N4: Building a Dog Box, Part 1

V10, N1: Building a Dog Box, Part 2
V10, N2: Spreading it Around
V10, N4: Dealing with Those "Dirty" Boots

V11, N1: Flammable Food
V11, N4: Removing Mats

V12, N1: Pack your parka

V13, N2:  Ice ‘Fishing’

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