Table of Contents* Nunavut Quest 2000: More Than a Race * Nunavut Quest 2000: Drivers' Meeting * Nunavut Quest 2000: On the Trail * Nunavut Quest 2000: Race Results * Poem: Dogs of the Sledge Trail * Inuit Demand Inquiry of Historical Dog Extermination Policy * Memories * Nunavut's Official Symbols * Niels Pedersen, D.V.M: The Veterinary Service in Greenland * ISDI Foundation: Acknowledgements * Sled Dog Problems in Iqaluit * Baking: Dog Cookie Recipe * Crafts: Save That Hair * Behavioral Notebook: Social Order * Book Review: Polar Dream * In My Humble Opinion: Sharing the Trail * Update: Ihe ISDVMA Meeting Navigating This
Pond Inlet to Arctic Bay - March 31 to April 7, 2000 Results Name, Community, Starting Position, Running Time, Finishing Position Jobie Issigaitok, Arctic Bay, 12, 33
hours 36 minutes, 1st * First prize was $10,000.00 CADThe first three teams to cross the finish line in Arctic Bay from the final day's starting line won: 1st Jobie--2 free tickets First AirThere is neither time nor space to adequately convey the enormity of the undertaking necessary to bring the Nunavut Quest to reality. Participating communities, individual, family and business donations of personnel, time, money and materials contributed greatly to the success of this event. Extra special recognition is due, however, to Arctic Bay residents Niore Iqalukjuak and Joeli Qamanirq, for the Nunavut Quest was their vision which they turned into reality. NAKURMIIK! (Thank you!) Note: Joeli reported that at a post-race drivers' meeting, it was decided that next year's event was to begin in Hall Beach the second week of March 2001 and end in Arctic Bay. Although he would have preferred that the race start in Clyde River and end in Pond Inlet, Joeli was happy that this year's participants wanted to continue on with the tradition next year. |