Table of Contents* Nunavut Quest 2000: More Than a Race * Nunavut Quest 2000: Drivers' Meeting * Nunavut Quest 2000: On the Trail * Nunavut Quest 2000: Race Results * Poem: Dogs of the Sledge Trail * Inuit Demand Inquiry of Historical Dog Extermination Policy * Memories * Nunavut's Official Symbols * Niels Pedersen, D.V.M: The Veterinary Service in Greenland * ISDI Foundation: Acknowledgements * Sled Dog Problems in Iqaluit * Baking: Dog Cookie Recipe * Crafts: Save That Hair * Behavioral Notebook: Social Order * Book Review: Polar Dream * In My Humble Opinion: Sharing the Trail * Update: Ihe ISDVMA Meeting Navigating This
by Sue Hamilton As of this writing there is still nothing substantive to report. We have been advised to keep checking back at the ISDVMA Home Page <> or the home page of the Bay East Animal Hospital <>. Some of the veterinarians at this clinic are taking care of local arrangements. They will let me know if there is to be a Packers home game that weekend. If there is, ISDI enthusiasts who are considering making last minute plans to attend the ISDVMA annual meeting may have trouble finding a place to stay. The next issue of the Fan Hitch is due out sometime in August and hopefully more information about to possibility of ISDI enthusiasts gathering in Green Bay will be posted at that time. But anyone who is seriously interested should feel free to conact me by phone 1-860-485-9088 or e-mail <>. Also, important updates may be posted to the ISDI website as well. Let's keep in touch on this one. |