From the Editor: On the Radar Citizen Scientist Participation Requested On the Trail of the Far Fur Country Dealing with a Runaway or Breakaway Team of Inuit Dogs The Chinook Project Returns to Labrador Website Explores Indigenous People of the Russian Arctic Book Review: Harnessed to the Pole: Sledge Dogs in Service to American Explorers of the Arctic, 1853-1909 IMHO: What’s Enough? Navigating This Site Index of articles by subject Index of back issues by volume number Search The Fan Hitch Articles to download and print Ordering Ken MacRury's Thesis Our comprehensive list of resources Defining the Inuit Dog Talk to The Fan Hitch The Fan Hitch home page
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Senior vet student Chris McLaughlin (l), and Dr. Marti Hopson (r) prepping a dog for surgery in Makkovik, Labrador in 2011. Courtesy of the Chinook Project The Chinook Project Returns to Labrador by Dr. Lisa Miller, coordinator 2014 is certain to be an exciting year for the Chinook Project as we will be taking two groups of veterinarians, fourth year veterinary students, vaccines and other veterinary supplies to three locations in Labrador. This is our 9th year of providing veterinary care to northern dogs. The Chinook Project at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) of the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), located on Prince Edward Island, Canada has been able to continue this important work thanks to the generous support from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Zoetis Canada, Iams-Eukanuba, Boehringer-Ingelheim, the Rathylyn Foundation, Ann McCain Evans, Air Labrador and many other donors and supporters. Map source Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage. All communities removed except for Nain, Rigolet & Sheshiatshu. In late June, the first team will return to Nain, where we had visited in 2012. This is the northernmost settlement in Labrador, population approximately 1200. The Nain Animal Wellness Clinic organization will host the project and provide accommodations and mobile clinic facilities. From Nain, the team will travel to Sheshatshiu. Sheshatshiu is an Innu First Nations community. This will be our first visit to Sheshatshiu and the Chinook Project is looking forward to providing veterinary care to the many dogs there. The second team will meet up and work with the first in Sheshatshiu. Next, Team 2 will travel to Rigolet. Rigolet is a remote, coastal Inuit community, population 310, located on Hamilton Inlet. This will be our first visit to Rigolet. The communities are looking forward to the Chinook Project’s arrival. Rabies, distemper and parasites continue to affect the dog population as well as pose a public health issue. Each locale has arranged for 50 to 100+ dogs to visit our temporary clinics for veterinary care. Our teams will be busy! We will report on the Labrador clinics in the September 2014 issue of The Fan Hitch. Taking two teams to three sites this year is administratively, physically and financially demanding. Your financial support is always appreciated and charitable receipts will be issued.