The Fan Hitch Volume 2, Number 4, August 2000

Newsletter of the Inuit Sled Dog

Table of Contents

From the Editor
Raising Sled Dogs
The Good, the Bad and the ‘Eskimo’ Dog
The Russian Connection
Honoured Symbol Under Fire
Iqaluit Team Owner Speaks Out
The Homecoming
Niels Pedersen, D.V.M:
Challenging Folk Remedies
Janice Howls:
Maintaining the ISD Roots
Book Review: 
Portrait of Antarctica
First Hand Account:
Exploration of Antarctica
Dog Ownership in Modern Society
Baking: Carnivore Brownies
Behaviour Notebook:
 Silent and Induced Heat
ISDI Summit Postponed
Memorable Inuit Dog Encounters

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Editor's/Publisher's Statement
              Editor: Sue Hamilton
              Webmaster: Mark Hamilton
The Fan Hitch Website and Publications of the Inuit Sled Dog– the quarterly Journal (retired in 2018) and PostScript – are dedicated to the aboriginal landrace traditional Inuit Sled Dog as well as related Inuit culture and traditions. 

PostScript is published intermittently as material becomes available. Online access is free at:  PostScript welcomes your letters, stories, comments and The editorial staff reserves the right to edit submissions used for publication.

Contents of The Fan Hitch Website and its publications  are protected by international copyright laws. No photo, drawing or text may be reproduced in any form without written consent. Webmasters please note: written consent is necessary before linking this site to yours! Please forward requests to Sue Hamilton, 55 Town Line Rd., Harwinton, Connecticut  06791, USA or

Palootok, the dog                           Montcombroux photo

Palootok, the stamp                                                              

The Good, the Bad and the 'Eskimo' Dog Stamp

by Geneviève Montcombroux

If it were not for Sue Hamilton's interest in the e-bay auction, I would never have known that my late Palootok, a magnificent red male, had gained fame on a stamp - in Lesotho, of all places!

Many months ago, an artist contacted me to say she was doing research and wished to have some pictures of a Canadian Inuit Dog. Good-naturedly, I selected my best ones, including some of Palootok, and sent them to her.

The good is that she recognized Palootok as the best dog and painted him. The bad is that she had omitted to mention that it was for a stamp, destined for Lesotho, a small country located in the middle of South Africa. The worst is that despite the brochure I included with the pictures, she called him an 'Eskimo' dog. Due to its location, it is obvious that Lesotho does not know what snow is.  So there is my Arctic dog, standing in front of a stone wall, with some tropical trees in the background. 

Ah, well, I imagine Lesotho is proud of its stamp.


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