In This Issue...* Fan Mail * F.I.D.O.: Kevin Slater * Dog Yard Noise * Road Food Inuit Dog Style * Differences in Mushing: Greenland and Arctic Canada, Part III * How Much is That Doggie in the Window? * Product Review: MAXIGUARD® Zn7™ Derm * IMHO: People, People, People Navigating This
Young female ISD Inka submitting to goat and alpaca Photo: Feder Road Food Inuit Dog Style reported by Sue Hamilton Anyone who is acquainted with or has heard of Sylvia Feder knows of her formidable skills as a musher and trainer of Inuit Sled Dogs. Her expertise has also enabled her to keep a peaceable kingdom (à la Edward Hicks' Peaceable Kingdom paintings) of cats, goats, chickens, alpacas, ferrets, as well as three male and one female Inuit Dog on her property in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington. While I have no doubt she owns a snow hook, I suspect she
seldom needs
to use it, and not because of too little snow. I have
watched home videos
of her sledding adventures and marveled at how well her
dogs respond to
her soft, barely over a whisper voice cheerfully issuing
commands, encouragement
and praise. I was amused as well as impressed by the
following story she
told of a sledding experience on her January, 2006 visit
to Jeff Dinsdale's
place in Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada to participate
in the annual
Gold Rush Trail Sled Dog Mail Run.
"On my trip up to Jeff's, for several days in a row on my runs with my team of four, I had passed a fellow on a four-wheeler setting live-snares for rabbits. I was a bit disgruntled with him because he was setting the snares literally a step off the trail, at a distance that a dog wouldn't even have to go into the deep snow to get a snack. He had a dog team himself (so he said) and I mentioned this to him. Sylvia's team at work and at rest Photos: Feder