Table of Contents* Fan Mail * F.I.D.O.: Ludovic Pirani * Geronimo's Travels * The Breeding and Maintenance of Sledge Dogs: Part I * How We Met Tom * Dog Yard Tips * Setting a New Standard * In the News * Behavior Notebook: Qiniliq and Sunny * IMHO: Unnecessary Roughness Navigating This
"A man's got to
know his limitations."
Harry Callahan,
from the 1973 movie Magnum Force
Fan Mail.....
4/06/04 hi, i am a college student born and living in southern california. i have fallen in love with these dogs. i read about them and saw their pictures on a Smithsonian magazine article, and now i can't stop looking for photos and information about them on the internet. please tell me there is an affordable way to own one of these. i have to have one! write back thank you,
Greetings, Your question about the cost of these dogs is a few steps ahead of the more basic questions you need to ask both of me and yourself. Why do you want to own this breed? Are you in a position to fulfill all the needs of an ISD, including its need to work as a sled dog? Assuming your plans do not include relocating to a more suitable climate than Southern California, do you think that keeping an ISD at that latitude is in the best interest of an ISD? In case you haven't yet had a chance to read through the wealth of material in the ISDI and The Fan Hitch journal pages, you will find it said on many occasions that the Inuit Sled Dog is NOT a pet. It is, just as a draft horse on a farm, a working animal. And although this dog, when properly raised, is very social to humans, its temperament is still that of a working animal, which makes it unsuitable for other lifestyles. It is easy to understand how the Inuit Sled Dog attracts much attention and admiration by anyone who appreciates its natural beauty, athleticism and incredible work ethic. This image of the breed must be balanced against "owning a tiger by the tail". The very qualities that fascinate us also make the Inuit Sled Dog often difficult to manage, even under the best of circumstances and by experienced owners. I am happy to answer any of your questions regarding the keeping and use of ISDs if this will help you to decide if an ISD is right for you and the breed. Sue