From the Editor Recollections: Life on the Land Sled Dogs of Russia An Examination of Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Inuit Sled Dog, Part 2 In the News For the Love of a Retired Sled Dog The Chinook Project to Visit Labrador Behavior Notebook: Some Aspects of Dog Behavior Behavior Notebook: More on Boss Dogs About Previous Articles in The Fan Hitch IMHO: Timelessness Navigating This Site Index of articles by subject Index of back issues by volume number Search The Fan Hitch Articles to download and print Ordering Ken MacRury's Thesis Our comprehensive list of resources Talk to The Fan Hitch The Fan Hitch home page ISDI home page
The Fan Hitch,
Journal of the Inuit Sled Dog International,
is published four times a year. It is
available at no cost online at:
Print subscriptions: in Canada $20.00, in USA $23.00, elsewhere $32.00 per year, postage included. All prices are in Canadian dollars. Make checks payable in Canadian dollars only to "Mark Brazeau", and send to Mark Brazeau, Box 151 Kangiqsualujjuaq QC J0M 1N0 Canada. (Back issues are also available. Contact Sue Hamilton.) The Fan Hitch welcomes your letters, stories, comments and suggestions. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit submissions used for publication. Contents of The Fan Hitch are protected by international copyright laws. No photo, drawing or text may be reproduced in any form without written consent. Webmasters please note: written consent is necessary before linking this site to yours! Please forward requests to Sue Hamilton, 55 Town Line Rd., Harwinton, Connecticut 06791, USA or The Inuit Sled Dog International The Inuit Sled Dog International (ISDI) is a consortium of enthusiasts whose goal is the preservation of this ancient arctic breed in its purest form as a working dog. The ISDI's efforts are concentrated on restoring the pure Inuit Dog to its native habitat. The ISDI's coordinators welcome to your comments and questions.
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![]() From Dog of the Midnight Sun About Previous Issues of The Fan Hitch by Sue Hamilton Since the December issue of The Fan Hitch, I have received two inquiries about previously published information. One writer said she was not having any luck contacting Guy Gregory Ormiston, author of the book The New Guide to Breeding Old Fashioned Working Dogs, which was reviewed in issue V5, N3 - June, 2003. She wanted to buy a copy. I also received an email from Jackie at Summerhill Entertainment in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, asking where I got information about Summerhill being the resource for the purchase of copies of Dog of the Midnight Sun. Apparently neither Jackie, nor the person who very recently sent her a check for the video, took note that the issue of The Fan Hitch in which this media review appeared is over ten-years-old! Jackie informed me that currently Summerhill is not selling this documentary, and I get the impression that they haven't for quite some time. Stuff happens! The Fan Hitch will endeavor to make sure the links on our Resources page are live and current. (Please feel free to contact us if you catch a bad link that we've missed.) However, it is impractical for us 1) to assure the viability of all previously published links, and 2) to assure or update, as in the case of the media review of Dog of the Midnight Sun, that items we have written about are still available from described sources. So folks, please check in advance before sending off money for something you see in back issues of The Fan Hitch. Unfortunately, and especially in today's difficult economic conditions it is equally difficult to predict just how long items will remain available or their sources remain in business. So there is no hard and fast rule for just how old a back issue is that would warrant confirmation before purchasing. Now, as for Dog of the Midnight Sun, the good news is that Jackie has informed us, "Eventually we will be offering viewers to purchase the DVD through a DVD distribution company…Have people email if they are interested in purchasing the DVD. We will then put them on the list and send an email notification to all when the DVD is ready for purchase through the distributor." If you are not familiar with the documentary Dog of the Midnight Sun, you can see it for free online at as well And you can go to to view it online for $1.99 USD. However my recommendation would be to get on Summerhill Entertainment's email notification list and buy a nice, professional copy when it becomes available. We need to thank with our support individuals, organizations and companies who have done good things for the Inuit Sled Dog. |