The Fan Hitch PostScript
Number 6, posted
May 2020
In this Post

From the Editor: PostScript – From Famine to Feast

F.I.D.O.: From the Other Side of the World to Qimmiq Territory

Oh, those dog commands!

Dogs – One of the many reasons I loved them

Wally Herbert’s dogs – the Norwegian connection

Nansen Sledge Production

Langsomt på Svalbard (Slowly on Svalbard) Deferred for One Year

Book Review: QIMMEQ The Greenland Sled Dog

Siu-Ling Han Memorial Scholarship
The Trip of a Lifetime

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              Editor: Sue Hamilton
              Webmaster: Mark Hamilton

The Fan Hitch Website and Publications of the Inuit Sled Dog– the quarterly Journal (retired in 2018) and PostScript – are dedicated to the aboriginal landrace traditional Inuit Sled Dog as well as related Inuit culture and traditions. 

PostScript is published intermittently as material becomes available. Online access is free at:

PostScript welcomes your letters, stories, comments and suggestions. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit submissions used for publication.

Contents of The Fan Hitch Website and its publications  are protected by international copyright laws. No photo, drawing or text may be reproduced in any form without written consent. Webmasters please note: written consent is necessary before linking this site to yours! Please forward requests to Sue Hamilton, 55 Town Line Rd., Harwinton, Connecticut  06791, USA or
From the Editor….

PostScript  from Famine to Feast

In the space of just two weeks I went from resigning myself to publishing just two articles – a book review I wrote plus my editorial which, of course, I also would write. I believed the recently published book QIMMEQ – The Greenland Sled Dog was important enough to share with you as quickly as I could, that I was willing to make it a stand-alone piece for PostScript #6 (the editorial not to be counted). About two weeks later the flood gates burst open and emails began flying back and forth about EIGHT MORE articles! The work has been frenzied, but happily so, pulling this issue together. So much great stuff to share with you.

For the second issue in a row I am delighted to introduce to you new contributors. David Pacheco Filip is from Barcelona who, despite being busy managing his own polar dog Facebook sites, has generously offered to help out with PostScript. He’s starting off by introducing himself to all of you as a F.I.D.O. (Featured Inuit Dog Owner). We haven’t published one of those in twelve years! The other is Bernadette "B’dette" Hince from Melbourne (Australia, not Florida), who creates historical dictionaries focused on the terminology of polar places and activities.

Yet another newbie contributor comes this way ‘second hand’. As a member of the British Antarctic Survey Club, I got a heads-up email about a collection of memories of men, including doggy men, who served at the bottom of the world. One of the stories is already known to The Fan Hitch as its author, David Matthews, won the 2003 Dog Writers Association Of America writing competition. There are two more compelling longer stories so far. I sought and received permission to share them with you. It’s been a long time, way too long, since we’ve heard recollections from the doggy men and I am sure you’ll enjoy this one.

In true Fan Hitch tradition contributors not previously in communication with each other now are, as a consequence of articles recently published in PostScript, in collaborations of a kind.  Gisle Uren has  been in touch with both John Wright and Ken Hedges, resulting in a new article from Gisle on the British Trans-Arctic Expedition Dogs in Norway. Gisle also describes the aftermath of having to abort his April 2020 expedition to Svalbard. And John was inspired to submit a fantastic  article describing the construction of various styles of Nansen sledges, including Gisle’s.

Also, not to be forgotten for her contributions to breeding and working Inuit Dogs as well as her involvement with polar environment and Inuit youth well-being issues, it has been very recently announced that a scholarship has been established in honor of the late Siu-Ling Han.

But we’re not done yet!  A recently publish story in North tells  of a wonderful adventure of two close friends following in the traditions of their ancestors on a hunt with the support of their dogs.

Wishing you smooth ice and narrow leads.

                Sue and Mark